Category Archives: History

Asshole T-Rump On Limbaugh’s Death: ‘I have a very beautiful weakness…I tend to like people who like me’

February 17, 2021

Next to T-Rump hisself, one of the biggest and most-terrible assholes who ever lived — and now is dead: In vainglory fulfilled, the T-Rump made his first voice-over appearance this morning on Fox News to…

T-Rump Blisters MoscowMitch After MoscowMitch Blisters T-Rump — An Internal Game of Toilet Tossing

February 16, 2021

Despite being out of office nearly a month, the T-Rump continues to gnaw at the bowels as he did today, picking up chunks of the news cycle, but still not in a good way. T-Rump…

Majority Of Americans Think T-Rump Should Have Been Convicted — Evidence Against Him Considered ‘Strong’

February 15, 2021

Apparentky about three out of five Americans believe T-Rump should have been convicted — latest ABC News/Ipsos poll, which was released today: Results: Overall, 58-percent believe Trump should have been convicted, and a similar number…

Pelosi: Senate T-Rump Acquittal Revealed ‘A Cowardly Group Of Republicans’

February 13, 2021

As we continued on down the line, fallout from the shitty Senate vote on T-Rump this afternoon will continue to flourish as reality strikes into the empty lies of Republicans who cast their lot with…

Impeachment Trial: Itinerant Circus Performers Couldn’t Be So ‘Craven’

February 13, 2021

After bombshell information dropped last night about a phone call between T-Rump and Kevin McCarthy as crazed MAGA heads were swarming the US Capitol building last month, there was a short sequence this morning where…

Up To Republicans To Grow A Spine And Convict T-Rump

February 11, 2021

House impeachment prosecutors concluded their presentation today in T-Rump’s Senate impeachment trial, and now it’s up to Republicans to grow a spine and convict the asshole of inciting an insurrection — however, most-likely not be…

Bummer! — Gina Carano Is A Racist Asshole

February 11, 2021

As the Senate trial of the T-Rump begins day three, another shitty story currently has floated-up created via horrid lies and bullshit of the right-wing delusional, nasty, hated-filled rhetoric intensifying the last couple of months…