Category Archives: History

‘Custom-Made Jumpsuit’ Time — NY DA Has T-Rump’s Tax Records

February 25, 2021

Way-quickly after the SCOTUS ruling on Monday that the T-Rump’s accounting firm must turn over tax records to New York DA Cyrus Vance’s office, the documents are in the hands of prosecutors: Background/details via CNN…

T-Rump Infected GOP Is Chaos

February 24, 2021

(Illustration: ‘The Order of Chaos,’ by Osnat Tzadok, and found here). Here we are this early-evening Wednesday in California’s Central Valley, while across the country there’s shit popping like stones on pond water. As we’re…

Emperor/Kingmaker Holds Court: Poll Indicates Nearly Half Of Republican Voters Would Leave The GOP, Join T-Rump Party

February 21, 2021

(Illustration by Joe Ciardiello and found here). Encamped in the bowels of Florida for more than a month now, the T-Rump is slowly dumping-up on his emperor’s gilded throne of leisure and acting like his…

Asshole T-Rump On Limbaugh’s Death: ‘I have a very beautiful weakness…I tend to like people who like me’

February 17, 2021

Next to T-Rump hisself, one of the biggest and most-terrible assholes who ever lived — and now is dead: In vainglory fulfilled, the T-Rump made his first voice-over appearance this morning on Fox News to…