Category Archives: Media

Economics Before Lives: T-Rump Thunders ‘Our country wasn’t built to be shut down’

March 23, 2020

Another day in the life. Although we’re under a ‘shelter in place‘ order here in California, I had to visit the post office this morning to mail-off some ‘essential‘ shit least I end up in…

Donna Edwards: T-Rump ‘would actually, I think, do better in terms of the public if he’d just shut up’

March 14, 2020

Even on the weekend the wind blows, which way-or-not depends, and so the coronavirus continues to barrel-down upon humanity with full, unchecked glee — we’re coupled with a pandemic and an idiot in charge of…

COVID-19 Just A ‘Hoax of the Day’

February 28, 2020

Health issues continue to dominate as a second victim of the coronavirus’ dreaded ‘community spread’ route of the pathogen’s expansion, where cases have no known origin, has been discovered here in California. First case reported…