‘Blood Moon’ Monday
April 14, 2014Overcast high-up and a bit of fog down-low this early Monday on California’s north coast, as the weekend is now history — and a beautiful history, too. Sunshine and clear skies along with way-warm temperatures…
Overcast high-up and a bit of fog down-low this early Monday on California’s north coast, as the weekend is now history — and a beautiful history, too. Sunshine and clear skies along with way-warm temperatures…
Raining fairly-heavy this way-early Tuesday on California’s north coast — chilly, too, as we experience spring splashing out all over the place. We received more than half-an-inch of rain already, according to the local weather…
Raining fairly heavy this way-too-early Wednesday on California’s north coast, but maybe the sun will show itself later, like it did yesterday afternoon — gorgeous and warm. We need the rain, though, and lots more.…
Clear and quiet this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — no heavy-duty ground movement either in the wake of a cluster-swarm earthquakes on Sunday. And we “…dodged the bullet…” again — although the 6.8…
Rain and windy this way-too-soon Monday morning on California’s north coast as the wet season continues unsuccessfully to up-seat the notorious, upstart drought — the state’s farmers are so worried they’ve turned to the use…
Overcast and way-windy this early Friday on California’s north coast as we face the second major rain storm coming today and lasting all through the weekend. Here on the ocean’s edge we don’t get as…
(Illustration: Vincent van Gogh’s ‘The State Lottery‘ found here). In a deep-ugly vacuum, devoid of sense and sensibility, can anyone hear me scream, even using the most-vile, nasty and most-inappropriate words imaginable — can’t happen…
Another piece of space rock, without much advance warning, will shave close to the earth this evening — known as 2000 EM26, the 885-foot wide asteroid (about three football fields) is scheduled to zap past…
High overcast, quiet and dry this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and the feel is not unpleasant. Soundless and near-weather-less here, but back in the US southeast, a possible “catastrophic event” via an enormous…
Now a year older than even their famous oldsters’ love ballad, time appears on occasion similar to a snap-of-the fingers — here yesterday, then real-sudden-like, half-a-century later. Tonight marks the 50th anniversary of a brand-new…