Category Archives: Media

‘Trump Force One’ Jet Rots Away At A Small New York Airport As T-Rump Faces ‘Threats That No Tycoon Would Want’

March 20, 2021

Laying-up in Florida, nasty-faced and stumped of glory, the T-Rump is in a financial and legal pickle as his beloved glory days are in their sunset times — even his “Trump Force One” rots away…

Antiquated Flashback: Five Young White House Staffers Fired For Past Marijuana Use

March 19, 2021

When I read about this particular subject this morning, I was kind of floored. Despite this being right now and not 1975, Joe Biden’s team needs to re-evauate this situation pretty quick. Paul Waldman at…

One Flew Over The Fox-News Nest — Bragging For Vladimir

March 19, 2021

Fucked-up Fox News — this is literally insane: Details on this great and wonderous moment via The Washington Post this morning: President Biden on Friday morning stumbled several times as he climbed the stairs to…

Rand Paul Is A Gigantic Asshole, But Duh! He’s A Republican

March 18, 2021

A major problem in Amerca right now is the Republican Party. They’re all assholes. As a nation we’re facing a massivce health event — COVID-19, whch has already claimed 550,000 American lives in just a…

The American Rescue Plan Is Passed, So Now To Save Democracy, For The People Act Needs To Also Happen — And Way-Soon

March 10, 2021

Now that the American Rescue Plan has passed both Houses of Congress and heading for Joe Biden;s signature to combat the wide effects of the COVID pandemic, it’s way-time for passage of For the People…

House Passes COVID Relief Package! Biden Will Sign It Into Law On Friday

March 10, 2021

Less than two months after taking office, Joe Biden has popped a grand slam: Despite what Republicans are blubbering, this package will help take care of Americans — details via Vox about an hour ago:…

‘Herd Immunity’ To COVID Could Take Awhile — T-Rump And The Russians Obstructing MAGA Brain-set On Vaccines

March 8, 2021

(Illustration found here). Although the CDC released easier guidelines today in lifestyle choices for fully-vaccinated folks, the playbook continues it’s still dangerous for COVID-19, and even now, a year later, we still don’t know a…