News Slop
January 20, 2012(Illustration found here). This morning just about everything I read/look at is pure shit. If the Republicans have one more debate I might blow chunks all over my laptop — the blow-hole event last night…
(Illustration found here). This morning just about everything I read/look at is pure shit. If the Republicans have one more debate I might blow chunks all over my laptop — the blow-hole event last night…
Meanwhile, beyond the SOPA blackout/back-peddle, and the nasty, bitch-slapping noise in South Carolina from GOP presidential nit-twits vying for richest asshole, there’s the non-stop horror of climate change. Climate what? Last year, despite all kinds…
(Illustration found here). Today is a kind of watershed moment when the Internets respond to attempts to censor shit by banging down the back door, but a load of ‘Net peoples have chosen instead to…
Too early for nausea already — an election year with a bad, bad hangover of way-too much asshole behavior: A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a new high — 84 percent of Americans —…
On Saturday, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old Jeep, the pump price still at $3.83 a gallon for regular here on California’s northern coast. Meanwhile, with all the frantic activity amongst…
Some of the righteous posturing: “…utterly deplorable…” — U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “…wholly inconsistent with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrated throughout our history…” — Marine Corps Commandant…
No big deal — Mitt Romney wins the New Hampshire primary and the GOP whore-wagon grinds on to South Carolina, where the pack gathers for a nit-picking contest there on Jan. 21. The only applaudable…
On occasion being ‘under the weather’ can cut some of life’s tangled problems loose as when one is sick, nothing else matters but being sick. So, I paid scant attention to the two neurotic GOP…
The horror of Iowa: No wobbling of that sort from Santorum — he’s an out-and-out denier. “There is no such thing as global warming,” he told a smiling Glenn Beck on Fox News in June…
Finally and officially, the 2012 political bullshit starts today. Republicans are gathered like hogs at the trough as the Iowa caucuses gather to select somebody to head the GOP into November, but there’s a long,…