Tag Archives: assholes

PowerPoint Slide Show Obvious, Though, The MSM Is ‘Sleepwalking Past The Coup’

December 13, 2021

First up above all else for a second this Monday morning — a great, big thank-you to tengrain, who wondrously blogs at Mock Paper Scissors, and who while handling Mike’s Blog Round-up this week at…

Public Hearings On Jan. 6 Insurrection/Riot — ‘Shake The Beltway Inertia’ On Actual Seriousness Of T-Rump’s Coup Attempt

December 12, 2021

One despairing item of the T-Rumpian/GQP destruction of American democracy is the assholes are seemingly doing such horrible shit right out in the open — if not in the open at least with minimum cover.…

Media Thrills: Don & Bill’s Flop Tour; Chris Wallace Scampers Away

December 12, 2021

A Sunday morning nutjobs precipice: The obvious national criminal activity from the T-Rump and his half-wit cronies doesn’t even seem to hamper the scam as he remains free as a bird to plunge onto a…

Democracy Dying? — ‘A Moment Of Great Peril And Risk’

November 22, 2021

As America wades into the start of the 2021 holiday season there’s violent weirdness seeping into the festivities — along with a fatal SUV attack at a Wisconsin parade, Kyle Rittenhouse walking and a shitload…

Scream Against The Night — Republicans Relentlessly-Ridiculously Ruthless

November 19, 2021

America is of two camps, one humane and thoughtful, the other, cruel and insane. In the dark shadow of the vicious future of murder and firearm control created by the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, the House…

Gosar Cesured — Instead of Remorse, Republicans Bullshit-Claimed Nancy Pelosi Has ‘Torn The Fabric Of This House Apart’

November 17, 2021

A bit of sunshine finally this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — an emotional good swing from the thick ‘radiation fog’ that’s been enveloping the valley for days on endless days. Sun is…

Democracy In Peril — GOP Gerry-rigging 2022 Elections

November 16, 2021

Fog again this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — tule gloom thick and depressing. After days of this shit, life seems to be a little sadder and ominous than even in the thinnest…