Tag Archives: assholes

‘Custom-Made Jumpsuit’ Time — NY DA Has T-Rump’s Tax Records

February 25, 2021

Way-quickly after the SCOTUS ruling on Monday that the T-Rump’s accounting firm must turn over tax records to New York DA Cyrus Vance’s office, the documents are in the hands of prosecutors: Background/details via CNN…

T-Rump Infected GOP Is Chaos

February 24, 2021

(Illustration: ‘The Order of Chaos,’ by Osnat Tzadok, and found here). Here we are this early-evening Wednesday in California’s Central Valley, while across the country there’s shit popping like stones on pond water. As we’re…

Emperor/Kingmaker Holds Court: Poll Indicates Nearly Half Of Republican Voters Would Leave The GOP, Join T-Rump Party

February 21, 2021

(Illustration by Joe Ciardiello and found here). Encamped in the bowels of Florida for more than a month now, the T-Rump is slowly dumping-up on his emperor’s gilded throne of leisure and acting like his…

America Rejoins Paris Climate Accord Just As Texas Proves We Are Not Prepared To Combat Global Warming

February 19, 2021

(Illustration from the UN’s International Children’s Painting Competition, and found here). One of the top-tier news stories the last few cycles has been the weather in Texas, and really, throughout the southern US as a…

Asshole T-Rump On Limbaugh’s Death: ‘I have a very beautiful weakness…I tend to like people who like me’

February 17, 2021

Next to T-Rump hisself, one of the biggest and most-terrible assholes who ever lived — and now is dead: In vainglory fulfilled, the T-Rump made his first voice-over appearance this morning on Fox News to…

T-Rump Blisters MoscowMitch After MoscowMitch Blisters T-Rump — An Internal Game of Toilet Tossing

February 16, 2021

Despite being out of office nearly a month, the T-Rump continues to gnaw at the bowels as he did today, picking up chunks of the news cycle, but still not in a good way. T-Rump…