Tag Archives: assholes

T-Rump Not A Rose: ‘I want to do what Mexico does. They don’t give you a test till you get to the emergency room and you’re vomiting’

December 31, 2020

Fading sunshine outside this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, the end of 2020 now just a few hours away. In the backyard, all quiet (Merced city traffic in the distance, the exception) but…

COVID Vaccine Roll-Out A Big Bust — Biden Explains: ‘It’s Going To Take A Vast New Effort That’s Not Yet Underway’

December 30, 2020

As this way-horrible time-frame of 2020 grinds down to mere hours, the pandemic will soon touch upon a full year of rampage in the US (The New England Journal of Medicine): On January 19, 2020,…

COVID Vaccine Manufacturer ‘Disappointed By Lack Of Response’ From T-Rump Administration

December 29, 2020

As COVID-19 cntinues to surge apparently unabated, this morning Vice President-elect Kamala Harris received a vaccine dose while pleading for all Americans to get inoculated, rightfully: “Literally this is about saving lives.” She’s way-correct, but…

Getting T-Rump To Sign COVID Package Like ‘Defusing A Bomb’ — ‘Bigly’

December 28, 2020

Although the T-Rump did sign the COVID bill last night, it was torture to get hin to do it, emphasis on a mentally-disturbed asshole-prick (h/t on the tweet Daily Kos): The news article mentioned above…

Time Tight Toward COVID/Spending Bill — T-Rump May/May Not Sign (UPDATE: T-Rump Signed!)

December 27, 2020

UPDATE: ‘Per CNN: President Donald Trump has signed the massive $2.3 trillion dollar coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, according to multiple sources, averting a government shutdown that was set to…

T-Rump A Nefarious ‘Fucking Baby’

December 26, 2020

Raining here this Saturday morning in California’s Central Valley — and once again feels like it’s raining all over the world, especially in Florida where the T-Rump sits his big ass blathering about nonsensical shit…

T-Rump Again Pardons A Slew Of Assholes — ‘He’s Just Burning It All Down’

December 23, 2020

Good grief! Yesterday, the orange-turd issued pardons and commutations to 20 assholes, liars, embezzlers, killers, all either pled guilty of crimes, or were convicted in court of crimes, most were political shitheads, four were found…