Tag Archives: health

‘Herd Immunity’ To COVID Could Take Awhile — T-Rump And The Russians Obstructing MAGA Brain-set On Vaccines

March 8, 2021

(Illustration found here). Although the CDC released easier guidelines today in lifestyle choices for fully-vaccinated folks, the playbook continues it’s still dangerous for COVID-19, and even now, a year later, we still don’t know a…

Americans Battling Both COVID And Republicans To Stay Alive

March 7, 2021

Another Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, sunshine hazy right now with some way-needed rain forecast for mid-week. In the midst of a pandemic, once again an upcoming drought year. The numbers/stats for COVID,…

Senate Passes COVID Relief Bill 50-49 — No GOPers On Board

March 6, 2021

Finally, this monrning after way-too-much bullshit: Details via The Washington Post just a bit ago: The Senate approved a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan on Saturday, as Democrats muscled through a marathon debate — and…

T-Rump Infected GOP Is Chaos

February 24, 2021

(Illustration: ‘The Order of Chaos,’ by Osnat Tzadok, and found here). Here we are this early-evening Wednesday in California’s Central Valley, while across the country there’s shit popping like stones on pond water. As we’re…

Fauci ‘A Little Bit Nervous’ Visiting T-Rump’s Virus-Infected White House

February 15, 2021

Another reality check on the horrors inflicted by the T-Rump in the age of a pandemic — Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said the day after Biden took office it’s “somewhat liberating” to finally “let the…

COVID And T-Rump — Genocidal Tendencies

February 8, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Genocide No. 1‘ (1971), by Daphne Odjig, found here). On the eve of T-Rump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, it’s obvious his time in office was 100-percent inhumane, though, inciting an insurrection only second…

Krugman On Whether Biden Should Okay GOP COVID Package: ‘No, No, 1.9 Trillion Times No’

February 1, 2021

America is at a nasty precipice, and whether we go over and down, or turn and walk smartly to the nearest bridge-crossing will be known in the next few days, if not sooner. We’re not…

‘Lack Consideration For Others” Fuels Right-Wing Nut-Jobs

January 31, 2021

A major concern for this country in the immediate-short future is the cuckoo-for-Cocoa Puffs stain found in public discourse, coming full-bore from Republican mouths and anuses (correct spelling) with very little stop-gap time between lies,…