Packing Heat On Black Friday
November 25, 2022The day after turkey day and although it’s still early evening, it’s black as shit outside. In the context of all those mass shootings — the last one earlier this week at a Walmart store…
The day after turkey day and although it’s still early evening, it’s black as shit outside. In the context of all those mass shootings — the last one earlier this week at a Walmart store…
A bit overcast this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — a kick-off to the holiday season. Thursday is Thanksgiving; from there it’s just a hop-skip-and-a-jump to Christmas and the New Year. Shit moves…
Clear, blue skies and splashy sunshine here in California’s Central Valley this near-noon Friday. We’re ending the work week on another fine, fall day. Wonderful weather, especially in comparison right now to western New York…
In the wake of the wondrous Nancy Pelosi’s press conference this morning, the future of American democracy was quickly put on display — Republicans with a tiny majority in the House will bypass governing and…
In the wake of Katie Hobbs’s delightful defeat of frightful nutcase Kari Lake last night for governor of Arizona, an opposite gag-reflex action in just a little while from the most-worse frightful nutcase the T-Rump…
Bright sunshine and chilly-willy temperatures this early Tuesday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley — although a bit crisp, outside right now is another ‘good-as-it-gets-around-these-parts’ episode. Usually too hot, or too something. Nice this morning.…
Another sunshine-splashed morning here in California’s Central Valley — weather on a Thursday in a week of excitement and suspense — a nice environment right now, but soon due to accelerating climate change becoming not…
Sunshine in glorious bursts from behind big, fluffy white clouds this near-noon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — a wonderous, beautiful day after a most-marvelous midterm election yesterday. The weather feels the yay! whee!…
While awaiting the fevered outcomes of today’s midterm elections, another story has played out for some maybe unsuspecting someone here in California — quick wealth thrust upon them maybe literally overnight. A twisting raffle on…
Despite some drizzling rain, I voted this morning — cast my ballot in probably the most-influential election in my lifetime, and the exuberance at the polling station was viable and democracy-laden heartfelt. The place was…