Tag Archives: Media

A Twilight Zone Clip of the West Wing

June 2, 2020

Soft breezes and heavy-heat this late-afternoon Tuesday in California’s Central Valley, supposedly 94-degrees right now with nearly three hours of daylight left. Somewhere in the low-80s by dark– tomorrow starts a two-day hot flash: temperatures…

Anthony Fauci: Avoidable ‘Suffering and Death’

May 12, 2020

Occasional sunshine near mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley. Cloudy most of the morning, earlier even looked like rain for awhile, but appears the afternoon will sunny and warm, as normal. Weather-wise, of course,…

T-Rump/Pence: ‘They Remain in Great Health’

May 7, 2020

(h/t Miss Cellania). A couple of items weirder than normal, and ghastly, too. Our life scenario seems to be edging in a general direction for a horrible situation-event to explode (even worse than right now),…

Seemingly Everybody Agrees: T-Rump is Nuts!

May 2, 2020

Saturday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley. Pleasant day overall, breezy and not bad. Considering. Blogging in the backyard again. Outside has become a habit, a quiet influence over a mental-screaming exasperation for our dour-looking…

Bill Gates: ‘I think [Trump] will do deep analysis’ and Fund WHO — Yeah, right!

April 26, 2020

Another day of pestilence of the health-related kind, fueled by America’s insane predicament in the throes of a complete lunatic who is making our virus-infested Twilight Zone episode even more deadlier. The T-Rump is a…