December 12, 2016Sunshine this Monday morning on California’s north coast, with decent weather due for the next couple of days — a big rainstorm slated for mid-week. Enviro story for the shoreline is the high ocean tides…
Sunshine this Monday morning on California’s north coast, with decent weather due for the next couple of days — a big rainstorm slated for mid-week. Enviro story for the shoreline is the high ocean tides…
Sunshine bright and air that’s cold this Monday morning on California’s north coast, though, rain is forecast maybe by early evening. Temps dropping — the NWS calls for snowfall down tonight to 2,500 feet, with…
Crystal-Clear and crispy-cold this early Thursday on California’s north coast, a combo that makes for some bright, sharp sunshine. According to the NWS, nice weather, but on the chilled-side until at least maybe Sunday. Also…
Overcast with an occassional light drizzle this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast — supposedly, the wet should evaporate by noon, then sunshine all the way through the weekend. According to the NWS, we’re to…
Sharp, clean sunshine this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, way-chilly, though. As a former newspaper writer-person, reporting on T-Rump and his off-vibrates has got to be weird as shit — for the first-time ever…
Overcast and cold this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — rain expected later this afternoon, and beyond some intervals of dry, our weather will be wet, occasionally ‘heavy‘ wet through Friday. Now exactly two…
Bright sunshine this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a great ambience-setter for Election Day 2016. And supposedly warm, too — yesterday was the hottest Nov. 7 on record in Eureka, topping 72-degrees, knocking…
Foggy-overcast this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, a preview devoid of color for the next week or so. According to the NWS, two big storms a-coming — the first tonight and Thursday, the second…
Bright sunshine again this early Friday on California’s north coast as we get more-warm than usual for the next few days. Weather-wise — as T-Rump continues fostering love on Mother-Russia, President Obama last week tried to…
Sunshine and near-clear skies this early Thursday, a rare event here on California’s north coast — appears another warm, gorgeous day. Absurdly-ugly last night (via the Guardian): “I have a plan, but I don’t want…