Getting T-Rump To Sign COVID Package Like ‘Defusing A Bomb’ — ‘Bigly’

December 28, 2020

Although the T-Rump did sign the COVID bill last night, it was torture to get hin to do it, emphasis on a mentally-disturbed asshole-prick (h/t on the tweet Daily Kos):

The news article mentioned above comes from USAToday at the end of last month; written by Dr. Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, a psychiatrist affiliated with Weill Cornell Medical Center, and Norman Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, the piece is mostly the normal examination of the T-Rump’s way-abnormal, batshit crazy mind set, but does include this:

Many say that Trump’s refusal to agree to a peaceful and orderly concession is just a threat from a selfish man who can’t accept defeat.
President-elect Biden calls Trump’s failure to concede an “embarrassment.”
It is worse.
When someone says they are planning their suicide, mental health professionals don’t call it a “cry for attention.”
They hospitalize them immediately to prevent harm.
When someone threatens homicide, violence or child abuse, we act swiftly to protect potential victims.
It is naïve to consider the current acts of President Trump as childish tantrums and nothing more than fodder for late night comedians.

Now this was written before T-Rump’s current meltdown in Florida, where spposedly he was treated like a bratty child to finally sign the COVID relief/spending bill where our country can get back to a somewhat functioning state, and do battle with an out-of-control, raging-ass pandemic.
And to get our whiny, mentally divergent president to do his job took acting skills — per Axios this morning:

Getting a cranky, stubborn President Trump to belatedly sign the COVID relief bill, after unemployment benefits had already lapsed, was like being a hostage negotiator, or defusing a bomb.

Driving the news: The deal was closed on a Sunday afternoon phone call with Trump, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy.
“This is good,” Trump finally said, an official familiar with the call told me.
“I should sign this.”

How it happened: Over many days, Mnuchin and McCarthy — aided by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who golfed with Trump in West Palm Beach on Friday — indulged the president’s rants, told him there was great stuff in the bill, and gave him “wins” he could announce, even though they didn’t change the bill.

Playing to his vanity, they invoked his legacy, and reminded him he didn’t want to hurt people.
They convinced the author of “The Art of the Deal” that he had shown himself to be a fighter, and that he had gotten all there was to get.
Trump’s sweeteners, from his 8:15 p.m. statement: “[T]he House and Senate have agreed to focus strongly on the very substantial voter fraud which took place in the November 3 Presidential election.”

“The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud. Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230! Voter Fraud must be fixed! Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!”

Reality check … Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who worked hard to understand Trump, told me: “It may be too late. Too late for him, too late for the economy, too late for Covid, and too late for the Georgia senators.”

Indeed, like coaxing a pistol from a deranged person’s trembling fingers before he shoots-up an elementray shool.. In a ‘normal‘ situation within past American governments, T-Rump would have already been either 25th Amendment-discharged or forced out of office in some other way due to his obvious mental disorders, incduing a serious case of being a cruel shithead.
Instead we’ve still got 23 days of his shit left to go.

As a reminder of the crazed ambiance, the Guardian this morning took a look at some of the words and catch-phrases that have stuck to the T-Rump’s term as president.
Leading the bunch — ‘Alternative Facts‘:

Coined by Kellyanne Conway, the White House counselor, during a Meet the Press interview in January 2017 to defend press secretary Sean Spicer’s the false assertion that Trump drew the biggest inauguration crowd ever. Together these formed the original sin of the Trump presidency, culminating in his coronavirus and election denialism.

The main theme of the T-Rump is lying his fat ass off — The Washington Post in October: ‘As of Aug. 27, the tally in our database that tracks every errant claim by the president stood at 22,247 claims in 1,316 days.

Other of the many words/phrases in the Guardian piece include ‘American carnage,’ ‘fake news,’ and ‘bigly‘ — ‘Legend has it that Trump first deployed this word during the first presidential debate against Hillary Clinton in 2016. “I’m going to cut taxes bigly, and you’re going to raise taxes bigly,” he said, or at least that was how some people heard it. Others reckoned he must have said “big league”. But the word “bigly” does appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

And don’t forget ‘idiot‘:

Sad, sad state of affairs — endure for 23 days and 9 hours…

This is my favorite of the T-Rump mugs, though, ‘favorite‘ does not mean in any form or fashion, as in, ‘my favorite movie,’ or ‘my favorite song.’
It’s more of an anti-appreciation/like.

And aptly titled, ‘Basic Shapes,‘ by caricaturist/illustrator Chong Jit Leong (found here), and displays the elemental form of a purloined sociopath — a bloated profile of flatulent bile and arrogant ignorance.

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