Category Archives: Donald Trump

T-Rump Cries/Whines About Possible Arrest — Frightfully-Incites Idiot Base

March 18, 2023

Overcast and warm this late afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central valley — rain expected tomorrow, or maybe even tonight, but supposedly (hopefully) not as disastrous as in the immediate past. Less than a week,…

Fox Nefarious News — Right-Wing/Republican Media Have Worked Decades ‘So That Their Audiences Are Unwilling To Trust Outlets More Rooted In Reality’

March 8, 2023

Another round in the Fox News lying escapade which has now spanned decades. In a rare action today, Joe Biden’s administration put a hard knock on Tucker Carlson and the obvious repugnant lies on the…

America In A ‘Bleak … Zero-Sum’ Game — T-Rump Lovers Love It

February 23, 2023

Sunny and cold this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — nearly-exact the opposite of our forecast. We were supposed to at least have some rain by now, and for a while, it looked…

‘Alternative Facts’ — Or Obvious Duplicitous Lying

February 22, 2023

In further ado of Randy’s delightful visual essay, via ‘Alternative facts have been called many things: falsehoods, untruths, delusions. A fact is something that actually exists—what we would call “reality” or “truth.” An alternative…

T-Rump Georgia Indictment — Grand Jury Forewoman: ‘Potentially, It Might’

February 21, 2023

Windy and chilly near-about to sunset Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley. A turnaround from a way-warm and sunshine-splashed morning — big storms coming, reportedly starting tomorrow. Rain forecast for maybe a week. Beyond Joe…