Category Archives: insurrection/riot

Not Guilty By Reason Of ‘Delusion’ — Democracy Hanging On Total Bullshit!

August 3, 2023

(Sketch above by Jane Rosenberg for Reuters, and found here.) Once again the T-Rump was in a packed, anxious courtroom this afternoon for more criminal activity (The Washington Post): ‘Former president Donald Trump pleaded not…

Perilous Pinocchio’s Arraignment — T-Rump Headed For DC Courtroom

August 3, 2023

Nice weather this noon-time Thursday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — temps in the high 70s right now with an expected high only bout 10 degrees higher, and in being relative, is near-about chilly. In…

T-Rump Indicted For Inciting Insurrection/Riot — ‘Fueled By Lies’

August 1, 2023

Already breathlessly awaiting the news, the vast InterWebs became awash this Tuesday afternoon with the announcement: A grand jury has indicted former president Donald Trump for multiple alleged crimes stemming from his efforts to overturn the results…

Surreal Indictment Watch

July 27, 2023

Clearly most-hot this noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — another notch in the ever-tightening belt of climate change upon us with a triple-digit episode once again that’s fully mashed into the same scenario…

T-Rump A ‘Target’ For The DOJ — Indictment Maybe Imminent

July 18, 2023

Cooler in temperature, but still hotter than shit this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re under triple-digits right now (96 degrees) due to the overcast, but expect to return to that 100-plus…

Democracy’s SCOTUS Shot-In-The-Arm — For Now Anyway

June 28, 2023

Bright sunshine and gathering-warmth temperatures this mid-day Wednesday here in California’s Central Valey — another day in the hot-stacked, rapid road to summer triple-digit numbers upcoming, maybe tomorrow, if not, Saturday at least. Weather is…

Republicans — A Bunch Of Really Nasty, Baby-Crying-Whiny ‘Sore Losers’

April 5, 2023

In the shape of our national discourse per the MAGA world, losing an election is impossible, beyond the scope of reality. Case in point is Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s wonderful win yesterday for the Wisconsin Supreme…