Category Archives: Joe Biden

Republicans Are Lying, Racist Creeps, And Beyond That, Even Worse

March 13, 2021

As we work our way through this miserable age of political bullshit in the time of coronavirus, the focus on just how terrible and cruel are Republicans is obvious to anyone with walking-around sense. There’s…

Biden Signs COVID Bill! Checks In The Bank ‘Early As This Weekend’

March 11, 2021

An unexpected pleasure: Via the Guardian‘s live blog: With the flick of his pen, Biden signed into law a $1.9tn coronavirus relief package, cementing the first major legislative victory of his presidency. “This historic legislation…

The American Rescue Plan Is Passed, So Now To Save Democracy, For The People Act Needs To Also Happen — And Way-Soon

March 10, 2021

Now that the American Rescue Plan has passed both Houses of Congress and heading for Joe Biden;s signature to combat the wide effects of the COVID pandemic, it’s way-time for passage of For the People…

House Passes COVID Relief Package! Biden Will Sign It Into Law On Friday

March 10, 2021

Less than two months after taking office, Joe Biden has popped a grand slam: Despite what Republicans are blubbering, this package will help take care of Americans — details via Vox about an hour ago:…

Joe Biden’s COVID-Relief Bill Is Hugely Popular, But GOP Congresscritters Hate It — They’re Gambling On Bullshit

March 9, 2021

Rain expected any time now this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, although showers were forecast to have arrived already, and the way this winter is going, rain-wise, it may not come at all.…

Senate Passes COVID Relief Bill 50-49 — No GOPers On Board

March 6, 2021

Finally, this monrning after way-too-much bullshit: Details via The Washington Post just a bit ago: The Senate approved a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan on Saturday, as Democrats muscled through a marathon debate — and…

Biden: T-Rump’s Longtime ‘Erratic Behavior’ Curtails Intel Briefings

February 5, 2021

As all things must past, maybe the T-Rump will, too. However, until then he should be kept away from anything he could use, directly or indirectly, as a weapon of greedy revenge, especially national secrets…

Polls: Biden’s Work Agenda ‘Garner At Least Twice As Much Support As Opposition’

February 4, 2021

Even in just a couple weeks on the job, President Joe Biden’s work is approved by a majorfity of Americans, despite the mass of problems swamping the country right now — people like Joe. Unlike…