Category Archives: Media

Kushner-Ross — Malignant Morons

January 30, 2020

As most-all eyes are fastened on daddy T-Rump’s idiotic impeachment trial, son-in-law Jared Kushner is making the world safe for grifters: Some background via Vanity Fair yesterday: Last June, more than two years after his…

Peter Jackson Rejuvenation — ‘Let It Be’

January 29, 2020

In some nifty news beyond the DC beltway — Peter Jackson’s documentary of the Beatles recording and musical hijinks creating “Let It Be,” and even roughing-out songs for “Abby Road,” is getting ready for release.…

Liar’s Liar T-Rump’s Unmitigated Gall — ‘Now, With Me, There’s No Lying’

January 23, 2020

Here we go again today, round three in the shiftiest courtroom on earth, the US Senate impeachment trial of the T-Rump, the lowest-form president in the history of the American experiment. Moscow Mitch and the…

T-Rump Impeaches Himself –‘Honestly We Have All The Material’

January 22, 2020

Fortunately — if such a horrifying situation with the T-Rump could have anything at all to do with anything auspicious — the entire cabal of liars, cheats, dip-shits making-up the T-Rump administration is that they’re…