Category Archives: Media

T-Rump’s Daddy: ‘You Are a King … You Are a Killer … You Are a King’

February 15, 2020

In just a few days an obvious fracture in America’s supposed-rock of liberty: (Illustration found here). Brooklyn-based artist Tim O’Brien. who created the above image for a Time cover in June 2018: ‘“This portrait of…

Bill Barr Bitches

February 13, 2020

Each day lately seems to bring its own shit-storm of dramatic nuttery. (Illustration: ‘William Barr – Caricature,’ by DonkeyHote, found here). Today’s episode concerns the continuing flak off the Roger Stone tribulations, a multi-faceted showcase…

The T-Rump’s Bully Pulpit and Kids: ‘They hear it. They think it’s okay. The president says it…Why can’t they?’

February 13, 2020

Even as the T-Rump attempts to destroy our governing system via a shitload of corresponding sideshows, the horror of his nasty mouth has drained-down into our young people, creating a sink-hole of racial unrest, and…

Dems, Get Your Shit Together — Now!

February 10, 2020

My greatest anxiety-spiked fear, a most-legitimate fear — Democrats are notorious for self-fucking-up, but this no time for it, as tomorrow this shit gets real (h/t Susie): Beyond all the twisted lies, cherry-picked ‘alternate facts’…

Shitty Asshole Unleashed — Democracy Under Fire

February 7, 2020

This is shitty within a shitty context occurring at a shitty time (CNN): A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by congressional Democrats alleging President Donald Trump violated the emoluments clause of the…