Category Archives: Media

‘Mind-Boggling’ Springtime

March 20, 2017

Drizzling rain followed by more drizzling rain this  early-evening Monday  on California’s north coast — even more rain coupled with possible thunderstorms are slated for tonight and tomorrow as this rainy season just won’t end.…

’30 Seconds Closer to Midnight’

January 26, 2017

Beautiful Friday morning here on California’s north coast, glaringly-bright sunshine and barely any wind makes for a most-comfortable environment. Although such weather could lull one into thinking all is good with the world, but one…

Day of Infamy

January 20, 2017

Drizzling rain this early Friday on California’s north coast, buffed by a chilled-gusty wind — weather like this forecast until Tuesday, supposedly. Of course, the entire country was buffeted this morning with the inaugural of…