Category Archives: Politics

Republicans Bogus Vaccine Views Could Keep US From COVID Herd Immunity

April 21, 2021

Meanwhile, beyond the shooting of guns and the killing thereof, the immediate COVID threat continues to expand with the possibility that even vaccines available, there’s enough assholes who won’t take a shot to keep the…

Yes!! Chauvin Guilty!! (and) Why Are Republicans Such Irony-Free Hypocrites?

April 20, 2021

A most-wonderful surpise! Despite the presented evidence, I wasn’t sure if the jury would act in a humane fashion and find the asshole guilty of murdering George Floyd last May. Top-notch, best encapsulation came from…

GW Bush ‘Shocked’ Americans Can’t Believe He And Michelle Obama Are ‘Friends’ — A War Criminal Thinks That, Huh?

April 19, 2021

Hopping-mad crazy the world this Monday afternoon with shit sticking to every corner and crevice of society and feeling like the whole apparatus could explode in a screaming fireball at any second. Animosity against our…

Joe Biden’s Summit On Climate Change Due This Week As Majority Of Americans Say Address The Problem ‘Right Now’ — Republicans Not So Much

April 19, 2021

Beyond the knotty dung-drops happening right now — another shooting, closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial, Republicans whining about Maxine Waters talking truth, a drone flight on Mars, and so forth — a…

FedEx Shooting: ‘It Only Lasted One To Two Minutes’ — WTF!

April 16, 2021

America woke up this morning to another freaking mass shooting — this one late last night in Indiana (CBS): A 19-year-old gunman opened fire at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis late Thursday night, killing eight people…

Maxine Waters To Republican COVID-Cretin Gym Jordan — ‘Shut Your Mouth!’

April 15, 2021

One really-big major problem in securing a handle on the COVID pandemic is asshole Republicans, as way-witnessed this morning in a one-sided debate between slipknot, nit-twit Gym Jordan and Anthony Fauci during testimony at a…