Category Archives: Politics

Hunter Biden: ‘They’re Trying To Kill Me Through Other Means. And I Just Won’t Let ’Em’

December 8, 2023

Ending the workweek this Friday evening with a glance at Hunter Biden and how House Republicans can’t get their shit together to even offer nonsensical accusations at Joe Biden’s son — yesterday Hunter was indicted…

Work-Stoppage Strike At The Washington Post — First In Nearly 50 Years: ‘We Just Deserve To Be Dealt With Fairly By Our Employer’

December 7, 2023

In a year of note-worthy union accomplishments across a wide variety of occupations from show biz to the auto industry, now it’s the media’s turn to stand in the labor spotlight — today about 750…

Horror History Today 75 Years Ago With Dick Nixon And A ‘Pumpkin’

December 2, 2023

In the ripple pool off my 75th birthday last Wednesday — my post here on the ludicrous, noted event — one of the offshoots was Henry Kissinger kicking the bucket that day, too. He joins…

The Day After Yesterday — Crazy MAGA Talk ‘Ecosystem’ Translates Into Threats

November 24, 2023

Here we are on Friday, the day after yesterday. Although there’s great news out of Gaza, in America, the Republican brand remains not-screwed-on-tight with letting go of the crazy. Not only from the T-Rump —…

Quickly-Approaching Climate-Change Catastrophe: ‘A Failure Of Leadership’ (And The Rich!)

November 20, 2023

As we start Thanksgiving week this Monday morning in the US, the world is on the edge of shit-storming climate change seemingly barreling out of control without much reactions — UN Secretary-General António Guterres warns:…