Category Archives: Republicans

Repugnant Reality-TV Star ‘Wearing A Dark Blue Suit And A Scowl’ Appears In NYC Courtroom

October 2, 2023

Early evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley and the horrid life continues unabated. Especially in the repellent antics of the T-Rump (The Daily Beast): A visibly angry Donald Trump appeared in a New York…

Scream On Republicans, Scream On — Government Shut-Down Ahead And It’s All Your Screaming Fault!!

September 21, 2023

End of another month quickly approaches and is in easy sight this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — hard to actually believe/contemplate it’s beyond mid-September already, with even a New Year rapidly just…

Joe Biden’s Biggest Problem? — Not ‘Cruel’ Enough

September 7, 2023

Sunny and warmish this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — another day of nice. Despite being the best, and one of the most accomplished presidents in recent memory, Joe Biden can’t catch a…

Joe Biden Too ‘Boring’ — Regardless Of Those Astounding Accomplishments

September 5, 2023

In regards somewhat to my post from earlier today on the insane, lop-sided delusion of MAGA nutcases loving the criminal, nasty aspects of -Rump’s entire catalog of shit,  and the uphill climb Joe Biden has…

Polls: Despite Immense Degeneracy, T-Rump Shines

September 5, 2023

Sunny and warm a few minutes after the noon hour this Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — summer falling into autumn nice and easy. So far, anyway. In doomscrolling the news this morning, I…

Idalia Weather And Republican Idiocy

August 31, 2023

Sunny and mild this near-noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — and considering it’s still summer, use of the descriptive word ‘mild,’ is weather-wise saying a lot. As for instance, Hurricane Idalia’s cruise through…