Tag Archives: assholes

Adam Kinzinger: Republicans ‘Playing On People’s Fear’ On COVID Vaccine

September 13, 2021

In surfing the InterWebs this afternoon, there was a high shitload of news going on, but notice of Adam Kinziner’s words in an interview struck a match — pretty-much coming from a Republican for Republicans…

California Election Eve — Vote No! On The Recall, Or Else We All Be In Free-Fall

September 13, 2021

Congenial and clear sunshine this mid-day Monday here in California’s Central Valley, with both the actual physical meteorology and the political weather expected to heat up as time moves through the day — tomorrow the…

Nine/Eleven — 20 Years Of Crippling History

September 11, 2021

Cool and way-comfortable this mid-day Saturday in California’s Central Valley after a week of triple-digit temperatures and real-heavy air — a day of national remembrance of horrific airliner attacks on the World Trade Center and…

Afghan Agony: One Final US Drone Mistake Massacre

September 10, 2021

(Illustration: ‘MQ-9 Reaper,’ digital artwork by Tommy Anderson, and found here). Oddly and horribly ironic on the eve of one of America’s near-sacred, modern anniversaries, a report today the military drone strike last month in…

Democracy’s Peril — Threats/Intimidations Against Election Officials Instigated By T-Rump Lies

September 9, 2021

As we stand this Thursday morning, America’s version of democracy is on the ropes. Latest assault on our system came from/in Texas, and was nearly hidden by an oversized, cruel abortion law, a free-for-all gun…

Terrible Times’ Most-Terrible Tweets

September 7, 2021

Warm and near-about comfortable this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — first day of the ‘fall season,’ a time zone which usually lasts until about Halloween, then the holiday season kicks in, amping…

Dali Day This Labor Day 2021 AD

September 6, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Geopoliticus Child Watching The Birth Of A New Man,’ print, by Salvador Dali, and found here). Another screw of the clock face, and it’s Labor Day again, though, here in California’s Central Valley the…

Joe Biden on Texas Abortion Law: ‘Almost Un-American’ — Lyft And Uber Agree

September 3, 2021

Another Friday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley (yet you could be any-or-everywhere)  and shit still pesters the news cycle today, dump-or-no-dump, mostly due to the horror of Republicans. Beyond being vile, and cruel, Republicans…