Tag Archives: assholes

Inside The White House: ‘Pretty Much Everyone Left Now Mostly Loathes The President’

January 12, 2021

Despite shit off last week’s Capitol-building insurrection/riot hitting the fan and spewing in all directions, the T-Rump this morning stayed true to form and blamed everyone/evrything for the war-like disaster but himself. He’s being an…

Rep. Coleman Tests Positive For COVID — Probably Got It From Maskless GOPers During Riot

January 11, 2021

Beyond the insurrectional riot at the nation’s Capitol last Wednesday, a major concern is the pandemic and the mass of maskless assholes both coming from outside the building, but also from Republican Congresscritters who in…

Capitol Riot: ‘Something Way, Way Darker, More Violent, More Sinister, And More Organized’

January 9, 2021

In the rolling aftermath from Wednesday’s US Capitol storming-shitshow that’s seemingly gathering outrage steam, from new reports the riot/insurrection was worse than we understood even with viewing it in real time (CNN): ‘It was even…

White House Official: ‘Dealing With The Insanity’

January 9, 2021

In our way-modern world social media opens shit up (except in the T-Rump’s case, closes it down) and exposes reality, as identifying the assholes from Wednesday’s insurrection encounter at the nation’s Capitol, leading to arrests…

Twitter Permanently Suspends T-Rump: ‘He Is Losing His Marbles Right Now’

January 8, 2021

A most-interesting last few days as we’ve gone from apprehension, to unreal terror and surrealisn, and then a tidal wave of major-event news — MAGA people getting arrested, fired or both, impeachment reports — to…