Turmoil American Style
February 19, 2020This country is up shit creek without a paddle — a group of federal judges had set an emergency meeting for today on matters that “could not wait,” but now have decided to wait after…
This country is up shit creek without a paddle — a group of federal judges had set an emergency meeting for today on matters that “could not wait,” but now have decided to wait after…
One day to the next, the T-Rump flies further off the corruption rails, not content with nasty meddling in court cases, now he’s just eliminating the justice part of the system and pardoning the already…
In just a few days an obvious fracture in America’s supposed-rock of liberty: (Illustration found here). Brooklyn-based artist Tim O’Brien. who created the above image for a Time cover in June 2018: ‘“This portrait of…
Each day lately seems to bring its own shit-storm of dramatic nuttery. (Illustration: ‘William Barr – Caricature,’ by DonkeyHote, found here). Today’s episode concerns the continuing flak off the Roger Stone tribulations, a multi-faceted showcase…
Pot has been a mainstay for more than 46 years — for me, personally, catching the bong in 1974 — and the changes in just the last decade have been incredible and most-fascinating, especially with…
Even as the T-Rump attempts to destroy our governing system via a shitload of corresponding sideshows, the horror of his nasty mouth has drained-down into our young people, creating a sink-hole of racial unrest, and…
All over the news this afternoon — via CNN: In an extraordinary move, all four federal prosecutors who took the case against longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone to trial withdrew Tuesday after top Justice…
My greatest anxiety-spiked fear, a most-legitimate fear — Democrats are notorious for self-fucking-up, but this no time for it, as tomorrow this shit gets real (h/t Susie): Beyond all the twisted lies, cherry-picked ‘alternate facts’…
(Illustration found here). Even as the US seems to be on the cusp of break-down, we’ve still got the war on terror going strong, especially in Afghanistan — from the Military Times this afternoon: Numerous…
In sideways, an ugly, nasty-looking sonofabitch on the war path of cruel chaos — a face snapped by photographer Bill Moon of a moon-faced monster: And you would know, the T-Rump can’t let anything go:…