Tag Archives: History

Iraq Again! ‘We Were Sent to Fight and Die for Absolutely Nothing’

December 31, 2019

Tomorrow is a brand-new year, but top of the news rounding-out 2019 is a topic decades old — Iraq. Via the Washington Post: Supporters of an Iranian-backed militia besieged the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on…

MSM’s ‘Strategic Blindness’

December 26, 2019

Considered ‘Partly Cloudy‘ this mid-day Thursday in Merced, midst of California’s San Joaquin Valley, as I attempt to normalize my new home area — resided here thereabouts more than 30 years ago, thus I somewhat…

Impeachment-Bar Drinks — ‘Best Served on a Subpoena’

November 13, 2019

Foggy, damp and more-than-cool this Wednesday evening on California’s north coast — sunshine busted through a bit in the early afternoon, but slowly the scenery went all fucking gray again. Seems like everything has gotten…

Even Half-A-Century Later, Still No ‘Easy’ Ride

August 16, 2019

Clear and chilly-windy this Friday evening on California’s north coast — nice and comfortable shoreline weather abaft the Redwood Curtain. Not nice and not comfortable is the T-Rump — lack of any fiber whatsoever. The…