Tag Archives: History

Climate-Change Flooding — Tennessee, Europe, All Over

August 23, 2021

Warm and near-comfortable this Monday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley as climate’s weather plays games. The dry-red air present the last few days from the state’s wildfires has lessened a good bit and the…

Pfizer Gets FDA Approval — ‘The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For Is Here’

August 23, 2021

A crutch retort from the unvaccinated crazies got snatched away this Monday morning: ‘The Food and Drug Administration has formally approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The widely anticipated decision replaces the emergency use authorization granted by…

Afghan Agony: Way-Big Winner — The Military-Industrial Complex

August 22, 2021

Life continues, and war will keep rolling along, too, even if brakes are applied: Biden’s been pretty-straight about the Afghan shit so far, and this morning he apparently kept it going — via NPR: In…

Afghan Agony: Twisted-Empty Videwpoints

August 20, 2021

Latest installments of the Afghan-disaster chronicles this Friday afternoon, and how fast the week when shit happens. A cascade of events, going from reality to denial. One note of the extreme measures of getting to…

Collateral Day On Mars — Afghan Edition

August 20, 2021

Another brown-tinted environment this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley, painted with way-faded yellow sunshine, mingled in with a thin-overcast layer of a hazel-colored sky. Air-breathing outside literally sucks: Our region still looks like…

Rainy Days In Greenland — Heaviest Rainfall Ever In At Least 70 Years, Maybe Longer

August 19, 2021

Some more environmental shit this afternoon as climate change continues unabated — similar to COVID at a Texas Republican fundraiser — and the endgame worse. (Illustration found here). Odd events weather/climate-wise seem to be taking…

Fire And Drought — Air Like Mars

August 19, 2021

A brownish, dystopian environmental ambiance this Thursday morning in California’s Central Valley as apparently the wildfires rampaging statewide is worsening human/animal sight and breathing conditions. I took my daughter’s basset hound/greyhound mix, Leroy, for our…

Gen. Milley On Afghan Army Disintegration: No One ‘Predicted A Security Force Of 300,000 Would Evaporate In 11 Days’

August 18, 2021

Brown tint to the air this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley, and with it a most-definite scent of burnt wood in the small breeze wafting about in the trees — fire is for…