Tag Archives: Media

Environmental Reality-Time Crash: ‘Our Doctor Would Say The Earth Is Really Quite Sick Right Now In Many Areas’

May 31, 2023

Sunshine galore and still on-the-cool-side temperatures this mid-day Wednesday here in Californnia’s Central Valley — a few more days of similar weather, where then the heat and bluster of summer will be upon us. According…

Melting Time: El Niño Forms In Pacific, Data Indicates ‘A Very Large Spread, Everything From Blockbuster To Wimp’

May 12, 2023

Thick sunshine and way-warm temperatures this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — first time in a while a ‘T-shirt‘ day and strong indicators of a hot, blistering summer coming quickly. We’re forecast for…

FBI Mass Shooting Instructional Video — Real Life Of Horror

May 10, 2023

Crystal-clear skies, a shitload of sunshine, and warming temperatures this Wednesday late-morning here in California’s Central Valley — feels like a slow review of a coming hot-ass summer. Meanwhile in the actual reality of America…