Category Archives: Cloud Gazing

Dying To The “Roaring 20s’ For Possible Post-COVID Future

December 21, 2020

Deep-foggy here in California’s Central Valley, and feels like it’s foggy all over the world… Except it’s fog and not rain, and I’m in Californa, not Georgia, but due to the pandemic and all its…

House Marijuana Bill Heads To Senate — No Smoke Allowed

December 4, 2020

A victory, long-in-coming: Yeah, the Senate. Even more reason the Georgia run-off is so damn important — well, way-way- important to this country’s survival in any ‘normal’ fashion. And Republicans are such hypocritical assholes: Republicans…

T-Rump-Induced Antics: ‘Someone’s Gonna Get Shot…Someone’s Gonna Get Killed…It’s Not Right’

December 2, 2020

As we continue this Wednesday down the road toward Joe Biden’s taking office in 48 days, 22 hours and right now, 38 minutes, this country faces a blast of GOP-induced ugly that supports the shit…

Getting ‘Presidential’ on Climate Change as the Arctic Continues to Warm

November 25, 2020

Beyond politics and the virus: Climate change is earth’s biggest issue, and is more than just a problem for future generations.The shit is already here. The hottest warming-up spot is also one of the coldest…