Category Archives: Politics

‘Joints-For-Jabs’ A Real Thing — Incentive To Get Vaccinated!

June 8, 2021

Although the entire concept is crazy — an incentive to make you get a free, easy, near-painless injection that could save you or your family from a most-gruesome death — and these inducements have ranged…

California Drought And Continuing Climate Change: Therefore — ‘A Lot Of The Slack In Our System Has Already Been Used Up’

June 7, 2021

(Illustration: US Drought Monitor, California, found here). Sunny but cooler than normal this Monday afternoon in California’s Central Valley, a seemingly off-day from the heat we’ve experienced the last week or so — yet the…

T-Rump The Idiot: In Order To Stop Hackers, Stop Using Computers — Instead ‘Go Back To A Much More Old-Fashioned Form Of Accounting And Things’

June 7, 2021

Yesterday, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm spoke ominously on how susceptible the US is to hackers: ‘Asked By CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” whether the nation’s adversaries have the capability of shutting it…

Dastardly Debbie-Downer For Democracy — Manchin Mangles America!

June 6, 2021

Joe Manchin is a self-centered, self-righteous asshole. He made it official this morning in an unofficial opinion piece he’d never vote for the ‘For The People Act‘ — maybe the only sole/soul survivor in the…

Death Valley No Longer Hottest Spot on Earth, And Arctic Sea Ice Thinning ‘Twice As Fast As Previously Thought’ — Duh!

June 5, 2021

(Illustration: Section of the Dash-E Lut desert, located in Iran. Image found here). Once considerd for a long time the hottest spot on earth, California’s own Death Valley, has now lost the hot seat to…

Judge Overturns California’s AR-15 Ban — States The Rifle ‘Like The Swiss-Army Knife,’ Despite The Pure Fact It Ain’t No Fucking Knife

June 5, 2021

In the spirit of murderous mass shootings, and coming yesterday way-ironically on National Gun Violence Awareness Day — this is asshole-insane: Details via KTLA, updated last night: A federal judge Friday overturned California’s three-decade-old ban…

UFOs: Aliens Or Not — US Intel Can’t Say Other Than ‘Close Encounters’ Of The Baffling Kind

June 4, 2021

Nice drop to a Friday semi-crazy news dump, and who would have guessed UFOs would receive sincere appraisal from government agencies, especially NASA, but we live in all-around strange times. From Wikipedia: ‘In ufology, a…

Image Of The Now — Asymmetrical War Between Fact And ‘Bonkers’ Fiction

June 4, 2021

Reality bites the hand (h/t MissCellania): Although the T-Rump is the asshole who let the proverbial horse out of the reality barn, the Republican party has been slipping the bonds of crazy for decades, made-more…

Earth’s Climate Could Be Near A ‘Tipping Point,’ Creating ‘An Existential Threat To Civilisation’ — Meanwhile, The UN’s IMO Is In Bed With Polluters

June 3, 2021

(Illustration  ‘Tipping Point,’ by Ingram Pinn, and found here). Beyond the normal shitstorms of modern life in real time, probably and most-likely the greatest horror facing all of us here on planet earth inches forward…