Russian Troops Dying At Record Levels In Ukraine
March 10, 2022Ukraine continues to be the center of the world’s attention — as it should be — and the whole show appears to be slowly sliding into an even more humane crisis as Vlad Putin’s shitty…
Ukraine continues to be the center of the world’s attention — as it should be — and the whole show appears to be slowly sliding into an even more humane crisis as Vlad Putin’s shitty…
Noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — another grand day ahead of the heat to soon come scorching this flat, anvil-like area of the state that despite being called the ‘breadbasket of the world,’…
Apparently, the conflict in Ukraine is picking up according to most news sources, and from indications, the Russians are going for the highest leveling-effect of urban explosions while seemingly aiming for civilian areas — beat…
In the shitstorm of horror stories, we need to shine a glimmer of light in the Putin-addled darkness: In context with that — another good read in the Ukrainian/Russian sphere of nasty influence this afternoon…
Near mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, middle of another beautiful, deep-sunshine day, though, a bit chilly with frost earlier this morning. Meanwhile, on the Ukraine front and biggest items so far today —…
Approaching early-evening and darkness here this Monday in California’s Central Valley, and in the continuing plotline of the nowadays, it’s also near-upon 4 o’clock tomorrow morning in Ukraine. Beyond the death and destruction, this afternoon…
Again doomscrolling this afternoon to the music of Ukraine still afire, with the flames getting higher. And an update from the Guardian‘s live blog not too long ago — results about the same as yesterday,…
Near noon Sunday in California’s Central Valley — even out here on the Left Coast, Ukraine is just a click or scroll away from the continuing horror of war. Vlad Putin and his boys are…
Doomscrolling the Ukrainian news train this afternoon. A shitload of shit on the InterWebs, easily outperforming everything else. Especially poping news stories in the unique placement of the Ukrainian event as a social media platform…
Couple of interesting Ukrainian-influenced news items — seemingly scenes from an action movie, but cast in real-time with real people playing out special–effects shit, creating huge fright reflected off tiny screens. Even an abrupt ambush:…