Category Archives: Politics

Gosar Cesured — Instead of Remorse, Republicans Bullshit-Claimed Nancy Pelosi Has ‘Torn The Fabric Of This House Apart’

November 17, 2021

A bit of sunshine finally this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — an emotional good swing from the thick ‘radiation fog’ that’s been enveloping the valley for days on endless days. Sun is…

Democracy In Peril — GOP Gerry-rigging 2022 Elections

November 16, 2021

Fog again this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — tule gloom thick and depressing. After days of this shit, life seems to be a little sadder and ominous than even in the thinnest…

UN Chief António Guterres On COP26 Agreement — ‘We Are Still Knocking On The Door Of Climate Catastrophe’

November 13, 2021

As the world weathers the accelerating impacts of climate change, attendees to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, finally reached an agreement, though, the entire affair could be another “blah, blah, blah” episode. Nutshell via The Washington…

COVID Pandemic Revealed As A Great National Divider (Science-Sane vs Idiot-Insane) — Will That Matter In Unifying To Combat Climate Change?

November 13, 2021

Deep, wet fog this near-mid-day Saturday here in California’s Central Valley —  a yearly staple for the region, tule fog, which can get thicker-than-shit. However, like a lot of other environmental phenomena nowadays, tule fog…

Mark Meadows Muffs, Merrick Still Missing — Justice Not Timely At All (UPDATE — Bannon Indicted!)

November 12, 2021

*UPDATE BELOW* Democracy and the law seem worlds apart nowadays with Republicans doing just about anything they want without a peek of a pushback from any legal office — Steve Bannon is still shitting freely…

T-Rump’s Lawyers Try Again To Stall Release Of Records For Insurrection Committee (UPDATE)

November 11, 2021

UPDATE Below: As the law reaches for the fat-neck of the T-Rump, his lawyers filed a request this morning for a momentary stay of the order issued on Tuesday to allow T-Rump’s records to be…

Climate Change Heat: Quickest Temperature Rise In 24,000 Years — The Clock Is Melting!

November 10, 2021

(Illustration by Arne Dedert/Picture, Alliance/Getty Images, and found here). Despite some decent news today at the COP26 gathering in Glasgow, Scotland, the end results of this UN conference on climate change is up in the…