Category Archives: Republicans

News Media Falling-Down On The Job — Cut The ‘Trope’ Crap

April 10, 2022

Late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley as the weekend quickly comes to a close in seemingly record time — and starting tomorrow another high-speed workweek consisting of an overflowing outhouse of every kind-of-bad-shit. Rain…

Time Melt — Joe Biden Fist-Pumps KBJ!

April 8, 2022

Another end to another workweek this Friday evening here in California’s Central Valley, and a full week into a new month with a once new year spiraling along at such a quickened pace you just…

Journalists Reporting On Republican BS This Election Year — ‘Truth Sandwich’

March 30, 2022

Overcast with a brownish tint to the air this Wednesday early evening here in California’s Central Valley — appears as a weird combination of a tule fog remanent and forest fire smoke, though, no fires…

T-Rump ‘Burner’ Whopper

March 29, 2022

America is not immune to political/illegal shenanigans — and the criminal enterprise that was the T-Rump era in the Oval Office looks to have been the most corrupt, good-grief awful governmental operation in our history.…