Tag Archives: assholes

Fox Nefarious News — Right-Wing/Republican Media Have Worked Decades ‘So That Their Audiences Are Unwilling To Trust Outlets More Rooted In Reality’

March 8, 2023

Another round in the Fox News lying escapade which has now spanned decades. In a rare action today, Joe Biden’s administration put a hard knock on Tucker Carlson and the obvious repugnant lies on the…

Pinocchio Tucker: Jan. 6 Insurrectionists ‘Sightseers’

March 7, 2023

One of the big stories today came from Tucker Carson’s Fox News crap-fest last night, using selected portions of the Capitol building’s security tapes from Jan. 6 — Kevin McCarthy gave Carlson full access to…

Russians Being Slaughtered: ‘What They Did Wrong Was Come To Ukraine’

March 1, 2023

Sunshine galore and cold this late-afternoon Wednesday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — supposedly a few days of sunny respite from the heavy wet, though, more rain forecast for the weekend. Meanwhile, in the Ukraine…

Scream! Fox News Publicly Lying About ‘Baseless Claims Of Fraud’

February 27, 2023

Rain and cold wind this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we are still in the throes of our second big winter storm in less than two months of the new year as…

America In A ‘Bleak … Zero-Sum’ Game — T-Rump Lovers Love It

February 23, 2023

Sunny and cold this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — nearly-exact the opposite of our forecast. We were supposed to at least have some rain by now, and for a while, it looked…

‘Alternative Facts’ — Or Obvious Duplicitous Lying

February 22, 2023

In further ado of Randy’s delightful visual essay, via Dictionary.com: ‘Alternative facts have been called many things: falsehoods, untruths, delusions. A fact is something that actually exists—what we would call “reality” or “truth.” An alternative…

‘He Gets Us’ — A Real-Big Superbowl Gaslight-Like Exhibition (Designation/Word Update)

February 11, 2023

(Designation/Word Update below.) After near-clear blue skies and tons of sunshine this Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, we’re now into a quiet early evening — another off-the-record book interlude today as the calendar continues…