T-Rump NY Indictment?
March 9, 2023Rain and cold wind this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley as we engage in the front edge of a supposedly massive storm cruising our way out of the south Pacific — an ‘atmospheric…
Rain and cold wind this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley as we engage in the front edge of a supposedly massive storm cruising our way out of the south Pacific — an ‘atmospheric…
Another round in the Fox News lying escapade which has now spanned decades. In a rare action today, Joe Biden’s administration put a hard knock on Tucker Carlson and the obvious repugnant lies on the…
One of the big stories today came from Tucker Carson’s Fox News crap-fest last night, using selected portions of the Capitol building’s security tapes from Jan. 6 — Kevin McCarthy gave Carlson full access to…
Sunshine galore and cold this late-afternoon Wednesday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — supposedly a few days of sunny respite from the heavy wet, though, more rain forecast for the weekend. Meanwhile, in the Ukraine…
Rain and cold wind this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we are still in the throes of our second big winter storm in less than two months of the new year as…
Sunny and cold this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — nearly-exact the opposite of our forecast. We were supposed to at least have some rain by now, and for a while, it looked…
In further ado of Randy’s delightful visual essay, via Dictionary.com: ‘Alternative facts have been called many things: falsehoods, untruths, delusions. A fact is something that actually exists—what we would call “reality” or “truth.” An alternative…
(Designation/Word Update below.) After near-clear blue skies and tons of sunshine this Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, we’re now into a quiet early evening — another off-the-record book interlude today as the calendar continues…
Clear skies and a golden-orange sunset this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, bringing to a close another good-as-it-gets day for these parts — we expect the same for the next week or so…
Another sunshine-filled episode as we near early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — weather the weather is it seems to be springing into springtime early. Meanwhile, under the weather of asshole-crazy Republicans spending another…