Tag Archives: assholes

Pat Cipollone To Testify

July 6, 2022

In the ever-continuing slow-walking display of justice, the announcement today of another T-Rump lawyer to testify before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot/coup just might be the bridge to getting an indictment against…

SCOTUS Shackles EPA On Climate Change — Justice Kagan Calls Bullshit: ‘I Cannot Think Of Many Things More Frightening’

June 30, 2022

Exciting life nowadays. In the midst of shit, a glimmer of positive news — via SciTechDaily: ‘Just in time for worldwide Asteroid Day: a threatening space rock lingered at the top of risk lists around…

Horrid ‘Cancer’ Of The T-Rump ‘Could Still Continue To Metastasize’

June 29, 2022

Despite the dramatic, eyeball-opening testimony yesterday from Cassidy Hutchinson before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot/coup, the Republican party itself will most likely keep shitting our country’s mess kit and will just punch…

California, Washington, Oregon Launch ‘West Coast Offense’ To Protect Reproductive Rghts

June 24, 2022

Heavy heat this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — near 100 degrees again today and the same mean-hot shit is supposed to continue through next week. Friday, too, is usually news dump day.…