Category Archives: Bullshit

Afghan Agony: Exit Includes Maybe A Massacre Or Two

August 14, 2021

In the wake of shitty domestic American fanfare — COVID surges thanks to Republican hardcore hardheadedness — the sad, shame of Afghanistan continues to unfold badly, an image of a country shattering like glass when…

T-Rump Ascending — Not!

August 13, 2021

A warm comfortable outside this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we haven’t felt the rigorous heat reportedly scorching through the Pacific Northwest, but the day is still young. Today, too, is purportedly…

Afghan Agony: The Art Of Tragedy

August 8, 2021

(Illustration by Afghan artist/activist Jahan Ara Rafi, and found here). Looking beyond the domestic shitstorms this Sunday afternoon of COVID Deltas surges and corresponding displays of cruel ignorance by Republicans, the horrible debacle of Afghanistan…

T-Rump’s GOP: Nihilists Flavored With Sadism

August 3, 2021

Weird shit facing America from the right side of the fruit bowl: Classic philosophy — nihilism — for a gut-wrenching portion of our country, who are working tooth-and-nail to destroy what’s left standing — this…

Afghan Agony: Abdication Anarchy

August 3, 2021

(Illustration: Map design: Joshua Project, and was found here). Despite the long-history, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is back-burner news, and most-likely won’t become front-and-center until the Taliban gain control of the country and slaughter…

T-Rump To The DOJ In December Call: ‘Just Say That The Election Was Corrupt + Leave The Rest To Me’

July 30, 2021

Weather lede again this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re at 94-degrees right now with a forecast buzz-high of 104, which despite what the prediction-people say, feels like we’ve already cleared that…

Body Armor To QAnon — Republicans Are Way-Dumb Chaos Creatures Right Out In The Open

July 29, 2021

A couple of items this Thursday morning that seem to project just what a miserable state-of-affairs is the entire Republican Party — lying, delusional and nasty is their entire bag. Mo Brooks, the asshole from…

Media Should Cover Republicans Truthfully — GOP A Way-Serious Threat To American/World Democracy

July 28, 2021

Sunny, hot, and somewhat-humid this mid-day Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley. Even with scattered-overcast skies, it’s going to get warm — we’re in the mid-80s right now, forecast for 103 later this afternoon. Just…