Category Archives: Politics

Joe Biden Calls Vlad’s War In Ukraine ‘Genocide’

April 12, 2022

In the case of the horrid criminal conduct of war in the Ukraine by Vlad Putin’s Russian army with stories of inhumane incidents all over the invaded country every day — Joe Biden is just…

News Media Falling-Down On The Job — Cut The ‘Trope’ Crap

April 10, 2022

Late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley as the weekend quickly comes to a close in seemingly record time — and starting tomorrow another high-speed workweek consisting of an overflowing outhouse of every kind-of-bad-shit. Rain…

Boris Johnson Walks The Streets Of Kyiv With Volodymyr Zelenskiy

April 9, 2022

Windy and extra-nice this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — we set a temperature record yesterday (hottest on record for the day), but we way cooled today with some strong, refreshing gusts to…

Time Melt — Joe Biden Fist-Pumps KBJ!

April 8, 2022

Another end to another workweek this Friday evening here in California’s Central Valley, and a full week into a new month with a once new year spiraling along at such a quickened pace you just…

Another UN Climate-Change Warning — ‘A File Of Shame’

April 4, 2022

(Illustration: “Landscape of Change,” by Jill Pelto, and found here). As the world responds to the war-crime horrors of Vlad Putin’s monstrous invasion of Ukraine, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today released…