Tag Archives: History

Horrible Notion — What If T-Rump’s Coup Attempt Had Succeeded?

June 23, 2022

In advance of this afternoon’s House committee hearing on Jan. 6, a look at a near-miss in the horror of the T-Rump and America if the attempted coup had succeeded — lies cornered by lies:…

Science And How T-Rump F*cks-Up People

June 22, 2022

Hot, heavy air outside this early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — sunshine burns a hole even sitting in the shade, with a near-sizzling aura that’s zero fun. Weather is still just the weather.…

A Collected Cry Of T-Rump Lying

June 21, 2022

Hot and delightfully breezy this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley – although it should be boiling and the air heavy as shit (supposedly right now we’re just one-degree shy a hundred), the outside…

Climate Change And Extreme Weather — ‘That Is Insane … Holy Shit’

June 18, 2022

Cool and comfortable this near-noon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — guilt-outlandish considering a few other places: The video above has most-likely been viewed a shitload of times this past week as weather across…

Time-Reality ‘Gate’ Fracture — 50 Quick-Years Later And Here We Are In The Now

June 17, 2022

Fifty years seems a long time. However, entire perspective on the calendar depends on the point of view. If you’re a youngster, thoughts on a three-month summer vacation from school could easily appear as forever-time,…

T-Rump Degraded Mike Pence: A ‘Wimp’ And A ‘Pussy’ For Not Okaying Sedition

June 16, 2022

Hot even in the shade this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — the new normal is just an expanded version of the old-new normal. Say what? A dumb lead-in to Constitutional crime. Today,…

Arctic Heating Up Way-Way Fast: ‘We Expected To See Strong Warming, But Not On The Scale We Found’

June 15, 2022

In an attempt to escape the depressing horror show of America losing its democratic roots and way of life, let’s turn this afternoon to a way-bigger depressing horror show that will eventually eclipse all other…

Recon Patrol Prior To The Insurrection/Riot/Coup — ‘All Members Are In The Tunnels Under Capital Seal Them In … Turn On Gas’

June 15, 2022

Hot and still this near-noon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — our weather is finally catching up with us. We’re forecast to top 100-degrees this afternoon. Although the hearing this morning scheduled for the…