Tag Archives: Politics

California Beyond Snow — Again ‘Atmospheric Rivers’ Inbound

March 7, 2023

Overcast with occasional slivers of sunshine this early afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — a contrast to this morning’s gorgeously clear and warm environment, but right now a seemly preview of the days…

Carbon Emissions Last Year Lower Than Expected, Yet ‘No Cause For Celebration’

March 2, 2023

Clear skies and fading sunshine this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley.– a wildly gorgeous day compared to the last week, especially this morning when it might have been considered almost warmish, an interlude…

Russians Being Slaughtered: ‘What They Did Wrong Was Come To Ukraine’

March 1, 2023

Sunshine galore and cold this late-afternoon Wednesday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — supposedly a few days of sunny respite from the heavy wet, though, more rain forecast for the weekend. Meanwhile, in the Ukraine…

Climate-Change Melt — ‘When It Rains, It’s Increasingly Likely To Pour, Just Because Of Basic Thermodynamics’

February 28, 2023

Drizzling rain in way-chilly wind this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, continuing this winter’s wettest-in-a-while season of storms and weather-whatnot (chaos and turbulence). Despite the way-wet environment, we’re not that bad off  where…

Scream! Fox News Publicly Lying About ‘Baseless Claims Of Fraud’

February 27, 2023

Rain and cold wind this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we are still in the throes of our second big winter storm in less than two months of the new year as…

Despite Snow And Cold In California, ‘Harshest Winter Heat Wave In History’ Back East — Climate Change Promises More To Come

February 24, 2023

Rainy, dark and ominous, and cold as shit this near-noon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — the big winter storm we expected yesterday came crashing down on us during the night, with heavy winds…