Category Archives: Media

Pinocchio Tucker: Jan. 6 Insurrectionists ‘Sightseers’

March 7, 2023

One of the big stories today came from Tucker Carson’s Fox News crap-fest last night, using selected portions of the Capitol building’s security tapes from Jan. 6 — Kevin McCarthy gave Carlson full access to…

California Beyond Snow — Again ‘Atmospheric Rivers’ Inbound

March 7, 2023

Overcast with occasional slivers of sunshine this early afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — a contrast to this morning’s gorgeously clear and warm environment, but right now a seemly preview of the days…

Carbon Emissions Last Year Lower Than Expected, Yet ‘No Cause For Celebration’

March 2, 2023

Clear skies and fading sunshine this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley.– a wildly gorgeous day compared to the last week, especially this morning when it might have been considered almost warmish, an interlude…

Russians Being Slaughtered: ‘What They Did Wrong Was Come To Ukraine’

March 1, 2023

Sunshine galore and cold this late-afternoon Wednesday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — supposedly a few days of sunny respite from the heavy wet, though, more rain forecast for the weekend. Meanwhile, in the Ukraine…

Climate-Change Melt — ‘When It Rains, It’s Increasingly Likely To Pour, Just Because Of Basic Thermodynamics’

February 28, 2023

Drizzling rain in way-chilly wind this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, continuing this winter’s wettest-in-a-while season of storms and weather-whatnot (chaos and turbulence). Despite the way-wet environment, we’re not that bad off  where…

Scream! Fox News Publicly Lying About ‘Baseless Claims Of Fraud’

February 27, 2023

Rain and cold wind this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we are still in the throes of our second big winter storm in less than two months of the new year as…