Category Archives: Orwellian

Mass Shooting Epidemic: ‘This Is Not OK. This Has To Change’

April 16, 2023

Sunshine with clear skies, so it’s really bright outside this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley. And what’s really obviously bright, too, is the massive, humungous, killing-with-guns problem we have (CBS last week): ‘Nearly…

Peace In Ukraine? Not Likely This Year — Leaked Intel

April 12, 2023

Clear with a chilled bit of wind this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley. Beyond the domestic hard-tossed shit today, indications off those leaked intel files noted last week, peace in Ukraine seems to…

Leaked US Spying Documents Exposes ‘Massive Intelligence Breach’ — Originally Posted On Internet Server, ‘Wow Mao’

April 8, 2023

Warm with faded-yellow sunshine this late afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley. Spring has indeed sprung as we’re slated to get a bit heated this weekend and into Monday, reportedly with temperatures a few…

Republicans — A Bunch Of Really Nasty, Baby-Crying-Whiny ‘Sore Losers’

April 5, 2023

In the shape of our national discourse per the MAGA world, losing an election is impossible, beyond the scope of reality. Case in point is Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s wonderful win yesterday for the Wisconsin Supreme…

T-Rump In Court — ‘Surreal’ Sick

April 4, 2023

Clear, glaring sunshine tempered by a strong, chilly wind this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — another continuance in the cycle of like days since our influx of rain-filled weather ended a couple…

Scream! T-Rump’s Trip To New York — A Fiasco

April 3, 2023

Sunshine galore tempered by some way-brisk, frosty-like wind this late afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — better chilled than pelted by heavy rainfall and being flooded. Despite the icy breeze, we’re forecast for…