Tag Archives: History

‘Bleak’ Climate-Change Study: Environment Going To Shit Maybe 60 Years Earlier Than Previously Projected

May 28, 2022

Faded-yellow sunshine peeks out occasionally between off-white clouds this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — cool temperatures, too, in nice pre-summer kind of weather. In the horror of the news cycle lately, deep…

Children And Guns — GOPers Propose To Maybe Make America ‘A Giant Armed Camp’

May 27, 2022

Grayish-cloud overcast this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — and way-cooler, too, then the previous few days. Supposedly, we’re in a small cool space until next week when the fire of summer is…

Law Enforcement Handling Of Texas School Shooting In Chaos

May 26, 2022

Overcast and breezy but still hot as heck this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley. Away from the InterWebs for a good while today, I didn’t catch the initial reports of a law enforcement…

Republicans And The Gunsmoke In 19 Dead Children

May 25, 2022

Boiling-hot outside this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — reportedly 108-degrees just before 6 p.m. PDT — and it’s still days away from official summer. Shit-already-on-a-overheated-stick. In the wake of the massacre yesterday…

John Eastman/T-Rump Saga Continues ‘A Coup In Search Of A Legal Theory’

May 20, 2022

In the massive letters of law broken by the T-Rump down through the ages, especially even consisting in his brief four-year tour of duty as POTUS, breaking laws, up-ending ethics, and generally being a complete…