Tag Archives: History

Despite Climate Change Already Here Now, Coal, Worse CO2 Emitter, Increases Production — IEA Report

July 29, 2022

Even just a couple of days after the Senate’s Manchin/Schumer spending agreement which included $370-billion to fight climate change (weirdly also called for increased lease sales on federal land for oil and gas drilling), coal…

Jon Stewart On Republicans: ‘How Are These people human? Where’s Any Sense Of Decency, From Any Of Them?’ — ‘Motherfuckers’

July 28, 2022

Once again a blowback to asshole Republicans on Capitol Hill and their nasty, cruel approach to everything was on display this morning — in the shadow of the Manchin/Schumer agreement from yesterday, Senate GOPers retaliated…

Heat Getting Hotter: Pacific Northwest Sets Records — Again!

July 27, 2022

Not-so-bad heat near-noon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — almost pleasant you could say without being a sarcastic asshole. We’re forecast for a high of under 100 degrees today, so that’s the good news…

Al Gore On Climate-Change Measures: ‘The Survival Of Our Civilization Is At Stake’ — Yet Republicans Delay Action

July 25, 2022

Heat is increasing near noon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we might hit triple-digits later this afternoon, but the air right now seems to be getting hotter by the hour. However, just another…

Georgia DA ‘Building This Broader Case For Conspiracy’ In Election Interference Against T-Rump And His Cretinous Cronies

July 24, 2022

Still hot without much air movement close to noon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — legal summertime, so there’s no crime. Just sweat and a longing for soft rain in a patching drought. Also…